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Shoulder Pain

Rotator Cuff Tear | Frozen Shoulder | Joint Dislocation

Shoulder pain is one of the most common types of pain. Overuse injuries are especially common in people who work long hours at computers, have poor posture, and lack physical activity.

Another group prone to shoulder injuries are those who engage in sports or activities with improper form or excessive loading. If you experience a related injury or overuse, it is recommended to seek help from a doctor or physiotherapist early on for examination, treatment, and learning how to avoid certain activities to prevent the condition from worsening.

Causes of Shoulder Pain

  • Incorrect sitting posture
  • Prolonged work hours with lack of activity
  • Improper exercise form
  • Overuse or excessive loading during exercise
  • Sports injury
  • Natural degeneration or tendon overuse with age
頸椎痛, neck pain
肩膀痛, shoulder pain

Symptoms of Shoulder Pain

The symptoms of shoulder pain can vary depending on the underlying cause. Some common symptoms include:

  • Arthritis: Stiffness, inability to lift the arm, pain and clicking with movement
  • Tendinitis/Tear: Redness, swelling, pain with palpation, decreased range of motion, a feeling of catching or pain with movement
  • Previous Dislocation: Decreased muscle strength and control, a sense of instability and tendency to re-dislocate
  • Muscle Imbalance: Inability to lift the arm, discomfort with activity, repeated injury

Physiotherapy for Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain involves a highly mobile joint that can move in multiple planes. Treatment typically focuses first on restoring mobility, then improving stability. Shoulder mobility involves not just the shoulder joint, but also the scapula, clavicle, and thoracic spine. Stability requires strengthening the rotator cuff muscles to improve their endurance and control. Common physiotherapy treatments include: Common physical therapy methods include:

TCM Treatment for Shoulder Pain

From a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective, shoulder pain is related to dampness and stagnation of qi and blood. Common TCM treatments for shoulder pain include:

  • Internal medicine: Prescribed based on the individual’s symptoms and constitution, to tonify yang, dispel dampness, and promote blood circulation to relieve pain and prevent recurrence.
  • Acupuncture: Needling specific points related to shoulder pain, such as Jianyu, Jianzhongshu, and Tianzong, to relieve muscle spasm and have anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and bone/muscle strengthening effects.
  • Orthopedic Reduction: Manual therapy techniques to release deep and superficial muscle layers and relieve shoulder pain.


Frozen shoulder, also known as "adhesive capsulitis", is more common in individuals over 50 years old. The condition progresses through different stages with varying symptoms:


  • Freezing stage: Severe pain, but still reasonable range of motion
  • Frozen stage: Less obvious pain, but significant reduction in range of motion, severe cases may have less than 90 degrees of forward elevation and 30 degrees of external rotation
  • Thawing stage: Little to no pain at rest, gradual restoration of range of motion

Imaging tests such as MRI should be considered if any of the following are present:

  • Significant muscle weakness, making it nearly impossible to lift the arm
  • Previous shoulder dislocation or other traumatic injury
  • Pain is severely impacting daily activities and work


If any of these conditions apply, it is recommended to consult a doctor to determine if an MRI or other imaging is warranted.

Clicking sounds during shoulder movement are very common and can have three main causes:

  • Cartilage wear: Continuous, sand-paper-like sound with each movement
  • Tendon/Cartilage snapping: Occasional, or with each movement, a more lightweight popping sound
  • Release of air within the joint: Should not occur with every movement, a crisp or dull thud sound


In general, if the clicking does not cause pain or restriction of motion, it does not require special treatment.

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