TCM Childhood epilepsy | Childhood epilepsy acupuncture
Childhood epilepsy is a neurological disorder that typically begins in infancy or childhood, characterized by recurrent seizures.
Congenital: Brain development abnormalities, congenital brain infections, congenital metabolic diseases.
Acquired: Lack of oxygen or bleeding at birth; or lack of oxygen, brain hemorrhage, encephalitis, meningitis, or head trauma after birth.
Generalized seizures: During an attack, the child loses consciousness, falls to the ground, muscles stiffen, and then the whole body convulses, lasting a few minutes.
Partial seizures: Dysfunction of a specific brain region, such as twitching of one limb or unusual sensations.
Absence seizures: Characterized by a blank stare, impaired consciousness, and no response to external stimuli.
Herbal medicine: The TCM doctor will prescribe appropriate herbal formulas based on the child’s epilepsy type, constitution, and symptoms, to regulate brain nerve function, calm the nerves, and reduce the frequency and severity of seizures.
Acupuncture: Acupuncture can regulate body functions by stimulating specific acupuncture points. Scalp acupuncture can act on the cerebral cortex reflex areas for treatment, often used for neurological disorders, to soothe the nervous system and reduce seizure episodes.
MANA Painless “laser acupuncture”
Combining traditional acupuncture with modern technology, laser acupuncture is painless, non-invasive, and without needle sensation, suitable for children who are less receptive to traditional acupuncture.
Laser acupuncture uses low-intensity laser irradiation on acupuncture points, such as the scalp reflex areas, Taichong, Zusanli, Fengshi, etc., to stimulate the meridians and acupoints, calm the liver and suppress wind, sedate the mind, and synergistically complement the Chinese herbal medicine treatment.
Maintain a balanced diet and ensure an adequate amount of sleep for the child. Promote good hygiene habits.
Remove sharp objects or corners in the home and consider using protective padding or corner guards to prevent injuries in case of seizures.
Avoid allowing the child to bathe alone, and do not lock the bathroom door during bathing to ensure their safety.
Some children with epilepsy may be sensitive to flashing lights, which can trigger seizures. Be mindful of toys and electronic devices that emit bright or flickering lights.
MANA Healthcare dedicated integrating eastern and western techniques, which provides TCM and Physiotherapy Services. We focus on the natural healing approach for the body. Welcome to contact us and make appointment through Whatsapp.