Children chronic cough | Children cough acupuncture
Children have weaker immune systems, making them prone to coughing. When a cough persists for more than 4 weeks, it is considered chronic coughing, which can significantly impact daily life and learning.
Herbal medicine: The practitioner will prescribe herbal formulas based on the type of cough and the overall assessment of the tongue and pulse, using methods to alleviate cough, dissolve phlegm, and relieve wheezing. Later on, herbs to tonify the healthy qi will be added to prevent recurrence.
Acupuncture: Acupuncture can supplement the lung qi and enhance immune function, which is helpful for treating chronic cough.
MANA Painless “Laser Acupuncture”
Combining traditional acupuncture with modern technology, laser acupuncture is painless, non-invasive, and without needle sensation, making it suitable for children who are less accepting of traditional acupuncture. Laser acupuncture uses low-intensity laser irradiation on acupuncture points such as the lung shu, point to calm wheezing, yingxiang, spleen shu, and kidney shu, to stimulate the meridians and acupoints, achieve the effect of tonifying the healthy qi and enhancing immunity, and synergize with the internal herbal medicine.
MANA Healthcare dedicated integrating eastern and western techniques, which provides TCM and Physiotherapy Services. We focus on the natural healing approach for the body. Welcome to contact us and make appointment through Whatsapp.