Neurodermatitis TCM | Neurodermatitis acupuncture
Neurodermatitis, also known as chronic simple lichen, is a chronic skin neurological dysfunction disorder, characterized by paroxysmal skin itching, thickening, dryness, scaling, and lichenification, mainly occurring on the back of the neck, side of the neck, elbow crease, and popliteal fossa. It can also seriously spread to the head, face, chest, abdomen, back, and perianal area.
Neurodermatitis is not contagious, and the exact cause is not yet clear. Most studies suggest it is related to psychological stress and emotional tension.
From the Chinese medicine perspective, neurodermatitis is closely related to anxiety, poor gastrointestinal function and water deficiency in the body
Itching: Intense and persistent itching is the primary symptom of neurodermatitis.
Thickened skin: Due to chronic scratching, the affected skin becomes thickened, rough, and leathery in texture. This thickening is known as lichenification.
Redness and discoloration: The affected areas of skin may appear red or have a darker or lighter color than the surrounding skin.
Scaly or scabbed patches: Neurodermatitis can cause the formation of scaly or scabbed patches on the skin, especially in areas that are frequently scratched.
Sleep disturbances: The constant itching and discomfort can lead to sleep disturbances, affecting the quality of life for individuals with neurodermatitis.
Herbal Medicine: The practitioner will prescribe Chinese herbs based on the patient’s symptoms and tongue diagnosis, using methods to reduce itchiness and regulate the immune and nervous systems.
Topical ointments: The practitioner also provides topical treatment for the affected area to alleviate skin inflammation, reduce itching, and relieve pain.
Acupuncture: Acupuncture can regulate the immune system, balance the nervous system function, relieve symptoms, and promote the body’s self-healing ability. Acupuncture can target specific acupoints to soothe skin inflammation, reduce itching, and relieve pain.
MANA Healthcare dedicated integrating eastern and western techniques, which provides TCM and Physiotherapy Services. We focus on the natural healing approach for the body. Welcome to contact us and make appointment through Whatsapp.