Psoriasis Herbs | Psoriasis TCM | Psoriasis acupuncture | Psoriasis treatment
Psoriasis is a common skin condition, mainly characterized by the appearance of red patches on the skin, covered with silvery-white scales, accompanied by severe itching and burning sensations.
Herbal Medicine: Practitioners will prescribe Chinese herbs based on the patient’s symptoms and tongue diagnosis, using methods to reduce itchiness and redness of skin, regulate the immune system and promote normal growth and renewal of skin cells.
Topical ointments: TCM also involves the use of local application of Chinese herbal ointments, lotions, or washes to the affected areas, to alleviate skin inflammation and reduce the symptoms of redness and scaling.
Acupuncture: Acupuncture can regulate the flow of energy within the body, balance the immune system function, and alleviate symptoms while promoting the body’s self-healing ability. Specific acupuncture points can be targeted to soothe skin inflammation and relieve itching and burning sensations.
MANA Healthcare dedicated integrating eastern and western techniques, which provides TCM and Physiotherapy Services. We focus on the natural healing approach for the body. Welcome to contact us and make appointment through Whatsapp.