Seborrheic dermatitis acupuncture| Seborrheic dermatitis TCM
Seborrheic dermatitis is a common chronic skin condition in Hong Kong, mainly affecting the scalp, face, ears, chest, and other areas with high sebum production. It is typically characterized by skin redness, itchiness, greasy scaling, and the presence of dandruff.
Herbal Medicine: The practitioner will prescribe herbs based on the patient’s symptoms and tongue/pulse diagnosis, using methods to reduce oil secretion and relieve inflammation and itchiness.
Topical ointment: The practitioner will also provide local treatment with Chinese herbal ointments, lotions, etc. to reduce inflammation and itchiness.
Acupuncture: Acupuncture can regulate the immune system and promote blood circulation, helping to alleviate symptoms and promote skin recovery.
Innovative “MANA Light” therapy
Combining traditional TCM treatment and modern technology, our clinic has introduced a phototherapy device used alongside acupuncture for eczema.
Based on the patient’s condition, we can select red, yellow or blue light therapy to achieve the best results.
Research shows blue light has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and soothing anti-itch effects, effectively reducing skin redness, swelling and itchiness.
Red light can promote blood circulation and cellular metabolism, stimulate pigment production, and enhance the cells’ light absorption, aiding wound healing and improving skin elasticity.
Yellow light has a calming and soothing effect, improving redness and broken capillaries, making it especially suitable for sensitive skin conditions.
With “MANA Light”, we can provide customized treatment plans to address different symptoms and needs, helping patients alleviate the discomfort of seborrheic dermatitis.
This therapy combines traditional TCM and modern technology, leveraging the strengths of both to promote skin recovery and restore health.
MANA Healthcare dedicated integrating eastern and western techniques, which provides TCM and Physiotherapy Services. We focus on the natural healing approach for the body. Welcome to contact us and make appointment through Whatsapp.