TCM Rheumatology | Herbal SLE | SLE TCM Treatment| SLE Acupuncture
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune disease that primarily affects multiple organs and systems, leading to skin rashes, joint pain, fatigue, and immune system abnormalities. Statistics show that SLE mainly occurs in young women, with women having about nine times higher risk of developing the disease compared to men.
Genetic factors: Certain genetic abnormalities may increase the risk of developing SLE. Having a family member with the disease can also increase the risk for other family members.
Immune system imbalance: SLE is an autoimmune disease, where the immune system overreacts and attacks the body’s own tissues, including the skin, joints, kidneys, heart, and other organs, leading to inflammation and damage.
Environmental factors: Certain environmental factors, such as sun exposure, infections, and stress, may trigger or exacerbate SLE flare-ups.
The goal of TCM treatment for SLE is to regulate the immune system, balance the flow of Qi and blood, and reduce inflammation and symptoms.
Herbal medicine: TCM practitioners will prescribe appropriate herbal formulas based on the patient’s symptoms and constitution, using principles such as clearing heat and toxins, and invigorating blood circulation.
Acupuncture: Acupuncture can help regulate the flow of Qi and blood, and specific acupuncture points, such as Sì Guān, Bā Xié, Yáng Líng Quán, and Nèi Guān, may be targeted to modulate the immune system and alleviate symptoms.
MANA Healthcare dedicated integrating eastern and western techniques, which provides TCM and Physiotherapy Services. We focus on the natural healing approach for the body. Welcome to contact us and make appointment through Whatsapp.