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Uneven Shoulders

Poor Posture

Uneven shoulders, or high/low shoulders, is an asymmetric postural condition where one shoulder appears higher than the other when observed in the mirror or by others.

Causes of Uneven Shoulders

The main causes of uneven shoulders are imbalances in the bones or muscles, commonly seen in:

  • Scoliosis 
  • Tight upper trapezius muscle
  • Pelvic tilt or leg length discrepancy
  • – Carrying a bag/backpack on one side
  • Frequent use of one arm to carry heavy objects
  • Prolonged use of a phone on one side
  • Poor sitting posture, leaning to one side for long periods
  • Neurological issues like stroke
高低膊, uneven shoulders

Negative Impacts of Uneven Shoulders

Uneven shoulders can lead to various physical problems, including:

  • Pain in the back, neck, and shoulders
  • Muscle tension
  • Impact on appearance and self-confidence

Improving Uneven Shoulders

Prevention and improvement methods include:

  • Avoid carrying bags/heavy objects on one side
  • Use non-dominant hand more to balance muscle use
  • – Maintain correct sitting and standing posture, keeping the body upright and aligned
  • Regularly perform stretching exercises, especially for the back, neck, and shoulder muscles, to maintain balance
  • Take breaks to avoid prolonged single postures
  • Seek professional medical advice from doctors, physiotherapists, etc. for personalized treatment plans

Exercise to Improve Uneven Shoulders

三角式, triangle pose
斜方肌伸展, upper trap stretching

Triangle Pose

Stand with feet apart, raise one arm up and the other hand supports the ground, keep the spine straight and balance for 10 seconds, do 5 sets.

Upper Trapezius Stretch

Use your hand to pull your head to the side, hold for 15 seconds, do 3 sets.

Chest Stretch

Stand by a wall, reach your arms back, feel the stretch in your chest, hold for 15 seconds, do 3 sets. 

胸肌伸展, pect maj stretching
側身平板, side plank

Pect Stretch

Stand near a wall, reach the arms back, until a stretch is felt in the chest muscles, hold for 15 seconds, repeat 3 sets

Side Plank

Lie on your side, with the shoulder of the arm that is on the lower side supported by the hand, lift your upper body off the ground, keeping your spine straight, hold for 10 seconds, repeat this set 5 times.

MANA Core Values

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